I set up this Substack account almost two years ago but never really thought I had a need to use it since I had my website located on WordPress for years and had built up a good following. For eight years I seemed to be able to write and say just about anything that I wanted and never ran across any issues. Granted the site was a strange combo of religious and political commentary but it seemed to work well until today. When I woke up to discover that without warning or any explanation my site was shut down.
The only thing it said was “…this site has been suspended refer to terms of service.” That was it. So I checked the terms of service and could find nothing that I felt I had broken. The night before however, I had made a few minor changes to my homepage. Instead of my opening logo saying “Question Everything” I changed it to “Bring God Back to America” in honor of the Christmas season and then, to show that as a Christian I supported the Jews right to exist, I added a menorah that I added the words “You Do Not Stand Alone” That was it, saved the changes and left it at that. Woke up the next day to find my site had been shut down just like that. Not even any way to retrieve any of my material stored on their site. Even Facebook after they banned me because my articles were not to their liking, at least gave me the opportunity to at least retrieve any material I wanted that was mine and upload it to my computer. But not these people, they just shut me down. Eight years of hard work and gathering a following gone in the blink of an eye. But sadly, I suppose this is what is to be expected to happen to voices of truth in a country that is now run by basically a “Marxist” regime such as ours that pushes nothing but lie after lie to the American people.
I’m just one voice, one person, a person of no fame, yet my voice must have rubbed someone the wrong way, enough to shut me down. To me it takes cowards to do this because how is one voice a threat? They are cowards because it’s much easier to snuff out the voice of a “nobody” as compared to say a Glenn Beck, Dana Loesch, or a Tucker Carlson. And if these cowards continue to have their way, one by one, voices such as mine will be snuffed out like candles, one by one poof!
I am thankful though, that I still had this Substack account tucked away so that I can at least try to bring No Thought Police somewhat back to life. Nothing like starting from scratch. I guess God thought I was just too comfortable after 8 years trouble free at WordPress. LOL